Schedule an Appointment at (480) 355-8525

For Emergencies Contact: 911

Operating Time

Mon - Thur 7:30 am - 5:30 pm Fri 7:30 am - 4:00 pm


Morning Star OB/GYN 3499 Mercy Rd Gilbert, AZ 85297

Contact Info

(480) 355-8525

Pregnancy Schedule


Congratulations on your pregnancy and welcome to Morning Star OB/GYN. We look forward to serving you during your pregnancy and beyond. Your schedule (may vary depending on timing of first visit):


10 weeks Initial history, pelvic exam, and nutrition/environmental risks discussed.

10th week Full history, full exam, with Pap Test, Prenatal labs done or referral slip given. Genetic screens discussed.

14th week Review labs

18th week 19-20 week ultrasound planned.

20th week Review ultrasound. Discuss travel plans. Physical activity restrictions discussed.

24th week Discuss childbirth classes and preterm labor. Give glucola test preparation drink and instructions.

26-28th week Glucola, CBC, RPR, Order Rhogam shot (if Rh neg).

32nd week Discuss lab results. Teach kick counts.

36th week Group B Strep culture done. Discuss breastfeeding and car seat preparation.

37th week Review labor signs. Discuss Natural Family Planning and other postpartum issues.

38th week Cervical check, if needed.

39th week Cervical check, if needed.

40th week Cervical check, if needed. Discuss scheduling induction.

41st week Discuss induction vs. further testing.

42nd week Induction may be postponed to this week only if the 41st week exams are reassuring.

6 weeks post partum Visit with PA


This schedule may be adjusted at any time if you or your baby needs closer surveillance. Typically, normal lab results, ultrasounds and other tests will be discussed at the next prenatal visit. However, some results require immediate attention and you will receive a phone call. It is our goal to have you see a doctor at your initial ob visit and then have alternating visits with a doctor and a PA until the last month of your pregnancy.


The above visits are considered part of your Global OB care. Care for non-pregnancy related issues like yeast infections and upper respiratory infections, must be billed as separate office visits. This treatment can be provided, but it is not covered under routine or Global OB care.


At every routine OB visit we will check your weight, blood pressure, urine and fetal heart tones. We will measure fundal height (uterine size) after 16 weeks.


Fathers, children and other family members or friends are encouraged to accompany moms at appointments. You may wish to plan ahead and use discretion for visits including a pelvic exam.



We have chosen Mercy Gilbert Medical Center for their outstanding obstetric services. Please make this selection as you complete your pre-admission form.


Office Procedures

Blood tests can be done at an outside lab facility, as determined by your insurance company. Prenatal blood work includes: CBC, blood type and Rh antibody screen, rubella titer, syphilis screen, hepatitis B screen and HIV (optional). A hemoglobin electrophoresis may be done for women belonging to ethnic groups at risk for sickle cell disease or Thalessemia. Other tests will be offered based on your responses to the Family History & Genetic Screening Form.


Gonorrhea and Chlamydia cultures (optional) may be done at the time of the initial Pap.


Ultrasounds are NOT routinely covered in pregnancy by all insurances. If a medical problem exists, the ultrasound is typically covered. Patients are responsible for the cost of uncovered elective ultrasounds.


The 20-week sonogram includes an anatomic survey, including sex determination if possible, and due date confirmation. This does not mean you will deliver by that date, but it gives us a general delivery time frame.